Lethal Company Pajama Suit

How to Get the Pajama Suit in Lethal Company

Players can stand out from their crew in Lethal Company with stylish outfits, like the cozy Pajama Suit, and here is how you can get it.

Although the primary concern of Lethal Company is salvaging loot and contending with its unique roster of monsters, players can do so with style due to the varying outfits in the game. One such cosmetic is the Pajama Suit, and in this guide, we provide information on how to acquire it for your wardrobe.

How to Get the Pajama Suit in Lethal Company

The Pajama Suit can be purchased from the Ship’s Terminal computer for 900 credits. Accessing the in-game store is simple and can be done by typing the command “store” into the computer. It will bring up a database of everything that players can purchase. The store features everything from ship upgrades to cosmetics. The Pajama Suit is located in the decorative section at the bottom.

However, similar to other titles, such as Fortnite, the in-game store changes in Lethal Company, and players will have to check back after completing quotas or runs to see if the Pajama Suit is available. Although the outcome of what is in the store can be random, it can also give you time to learn different ways to earn money fast in the game so you can prepare to get the suit as fast as possible.

Lethal Company Pajamas
Image Credit – Lethal Company Wiki

Are Cosmetics Permanent in Lethal Company?

Cosmetics are not permanent and are taken from players’ inventory after each run is completed. Currently, players can only keep some cosmetics due to particular mods. Whether or not this changes in the future is uncertain. You will also lose other decorative items and ship upgrades, making your choices matter in each run.

As the Pajama Suit is very pricey, players who want to get it will have to grind as much salvage as they can right away and prioritize spending on the suit to essentially make their money back before finishing a run.

Now that you know how to become the owner of the snug Pajama Suit, head over to the Games Hub for more guides and details on Lethal Company and what it has to offer.


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