The location of Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite: How to Find Flexwood

Flexwood is a necessary item needed to craft some of the best recipes in LEGO Fortnite, and here is how you can find it.

Like Knotroot, Flexwood is relatively easy to find as long as you know where to look. However, harvesting the resource isn’t something you can do immediately and might take a bit of grinding before you can reach it. Fortunately, we’re here to help you through the process. Here is everything you need to know about Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite.

How to Find Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite

Flexwood can be found in LEGO Fortnite by cutting down tall Cacti with a Rare Forest Axe in the Dry Valley biome. You’ll find this biome right next to the Grasslands, the one you start in. However, to cut down the trees, you’ll need to use that Rare Forest Axe. You’ll need to upgrade your Crafting Bench to make one. Once you have upgraded your Crafting Bench to the required level, you will need the following to make the Rare Forest Axe:

Rare Forest Axe recipe in LEGO Fortnite
Credit – PC Gamer

After you’ve put the axe together, just head out into the Dry Valley biome and start cutting down Cacti. You’ll be able to harvest plenty of Flexwood from it. You can then use Flexwood to craft several recipes, including the incredibly helpful Dynamic Foundation.

That’s absolutely everything you need to know about Flexwood in LEGO Fortnite. For more guides just like this one, be sure to check out our Games Hub.