Fortnite character next to a speaker

Fortnite Voice Reporting Explained: How it Works & How to Report

Epic Games has introduced a new Voice Reporting feature to Fortnite that records your voice chat audio so you can use it when reporting players.

Fortnite has a plethora of tools for players to use when they want to report another player for inappropriate behavior. However, up until now, it has been hard to prove if a player has been behaving inappropriately in voice chat. Fortunately, Epic Games has introduced the Voice Reporting feature, which records your voice chat audio so you can submit it when reporting a player. Below, we explain exactly how it works, as well as how to use it to report another player.

Fortnite Voice Reporting Explained

When Fortnite’s Voice Reporting feature is turned on, the last five minutes of voice chat audio will be constantly recorded. Any audio outside of that 5 minutes will be deleted and replaced with the new audio. Once you report a player, the voice chat audio will be uploaded and sent to Epic Games for review.

It is important to note that no audio is stored on Epic Games’ servers. Any audio recordings are downloaded to your hard drive and then automatically deleted when new audio is recorded. Additionally, any audio sent for review will be deleted from Epic Games’ servers after 14 days. So, you don’t need to worry about your audio being stored or saved without your permission.

Lil Split in Fortnite OG

How to Disable Voice Reporting in Fortnite

You cannot disable Voice Reporting in Fortnite. However, you can opt-out in some instances if you’re over the age of 18 by heading into the Audio settings and switching “Voice Reporting” to “Off When Possible.”

If you change it to “Off When Possible”, the Voice Reporting feature will only be disabled in Party Channels where all players have it disabled. However, if one player in your party has it enabled, then it is turned on for everyone. Additionally, switching to “Off When Possible” does not disable it in Game Channels.

Fortnite Voice Reporter settings
Fortnite Voice Reporting settings menu.

Furthermore, players under the age of 18 will have the Voice Reporting feature turned on by default. They can only remove it by muting themselves in game, or turning off voice chat completely in their settings.

How to Use the Voice Reporting Feature

To use the Voice Reporting feature to report a player for inappropriate conduct in voice chat, make sure that it is enabled in your settings and then follow these steps:

  1. Open the Sidebar.
  2. Navigate to the voice chat tab.
    If you’re in a match, you will be automatically directed to the voice chat tab.
  3. Press the Report Conversation button.
  4. Wait for the report to load.
  5. Press the Submit button.

That’s everything you need to know about Fortnite’s new Voice Reporting feature. For more guides like this one, make sure to check out our Games Hub.

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