Are Call Of Duty: MW3 Servers Down?: How To Check MW3 Server Status

Knowing if the Call of Duty: MW3 servers are down is crucial to your game experience. As this shooter is one of the most popular in its genre, it makes sense players want to know whether the servers are running.

Since the release of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, millions of people have grabbed the shooter to experience yet another game in its series. However, servers may find themselves overwhelmed at times, which leads to network issues and even the servers being taken down. So, how do you check if the MW3 servers are down? We explain the details below.

How To Check MW3 Server Status

There are 3 main ways to check the MW3 server status at any given time. These are:

If you’re looking for a website to rely on when wondering if the servers are down, the Activision Support Website is the official website to go to. It’ll show you how the server is running and if there has been an issue that has either been validated or resolved. Although this website is reliable and updated often when issues do arise, if you’re looking for real-time updates on server issues, then the official Activision Support X account (formerly Twitter) is the place to go.

Additionally, both the official Activision Support and Call of Duty Updates pages on X will inform you of other issues happening. They’ll also inform you if they are currently working to fix these issues or are going to soon. They constantly keep players in the know of what is going on in Modern Warfare 3, so you can hop back on when issues are fixed.

Now that you know how to check the servers, feel free to check out our Game Hub for more details about Modern Warfare 3.