Shiny Cetoddle Pokemon Go

Pokemon Go: Can You Get Shiny Cetoddle?

Cetoddle, the Terra Whale Pokemon, will feature in the Sizeable Surprises event in Pokemon Go, and catching a new Shiny before anyone else is always a fun challenge.

The Pokemon first debuted in the Winter Holiday event but hasn’t shown up since the event ended. This means that it would be a rarer Shiny for players to catch, but unfortunately, it seems Niantic has chosen to exclude the Shiny Variant.

Can You Catch Shiny Cetoddle in Pokemon Go?

Unfortunately, you can’t catch a Shiny Cetoddle in Pokemon Go. This is a huge disappointment for everyone who would have wanted to add a new Shiny to their collection.

There is no confirmation on when Shiny Cetoddle, or its evolutions, will be added to the game. Instead, you might have to search for other Shiny Pokemon in the Sizeable Surprises event.

Pokemon Go Shiny Cetoddle and Cetitan

What Does Shiny Cetoddle and Cetitan Look Like?

Even though Shiny Cetoddle and its evolution, Cetitan, are not in the game, we still know what they will look like when they arrive. Typically, Cetoddle has a white base color with pink accents. However, when caught as shiny, the typical white has been swapped for a dark gray, and the pink has changed to a light orange.

Cetitan, the evolution of Cetoddle, has a similar Shiny variation, exchanging the lighter tones for darker ones and replacing the pink with orange.

We’ll be sure to keep you updated on when you can catch Shiny Cetoddle and Cetitan in Pokemon Go. For now, make sure you check out our Game Hub for more guides.


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