Helldivers 2 salute in front of monster

Helldivers 2: How to Emote

Whether it’s in the heat of battle or the calmness of your Destroyer, emotes should always be used in Helldivers 2.

Helldivers 2 gives players the option to emote within the game. The gestures range from a simple salute of Super Earth to the new Shotgun Show emote from the latest Warbond. The emotes have been a staple in the game, including players using them to save teammates by hugging in a Personal Shield Generator. However, as Helldivers 2 grows, more new players join the Super Earth ranks. As many play the game, they may be unsure how to use the emote feature. In this guide, we detail how players can use emotes for themselves.

How to Use Emotes in Helldivers 2

Players can initiate an emote in Helldivers 2 by holding the left button on the D-Pad for PlayStation and B key for PC. Simply pressing the button down will not start the emote. So, players must hold it until their character begins the action.

When equipping an emote, all players in Helldivers 2 are automatically given the Salute emote. Therefore, one will be fitted already. However, if you wish to change it, this can be done in a couple of quick steps:

  1. Go to the Armory on your Ship.
  2. Switch over to the Character tab.
  3. Scroll down to the Emote section and select it.
  4. Choose which emote you wish to equip.
Helldivers 2 emote screen in game
In-game Screenshot

Players can unlock emotes through the different Warbonds offered throughout the game. Over five emotes can unlock through medals in the free, beginning Warbond called “Helldivers Mobilize!” Each one is unique and helps players to stand out from their bug and bot adversaries while in the heat of the fight.

That is everything to know about how to emote in Helldivers 2 and how to change them out. If you found this guide helpful and wish to read more, be sure to check out our Guide Hub here on all things Helldivers 2.