Basim looking at the Find What I Stole Enigma in Assassin's Creed Mirage

Assassin’s Creed Mirage Find What I Stole: Enigma Solution & Treasure Location

The Find What I Stole Enigma in Assassin’s Creed Mirage sends players on a treasure hunt, but fortunately, the solution is easier than you might think.

Enigmas are two-part puzzles that first require players to locate a clue before finding the treasure it leads to. Find What I Stole is an initially tricky Enigma, but the solution is simple once you know where to look. Below, we explain exactly where to find both the Enigma and the treasure in the Assassin’s Creed Mirage Find What I Stole quest.

Find What I Stole Enigma Location in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

The Find What I Stole Enigma is located in northwest Harbiyah inside the city wall near to the Qutrabbul Gate. Players will find it beneath a covering surrounded by tall trees by the river next to the city wall.

The location of the Find What I Stole Enigma in Assassin's Creed Mirage
Find What I Stole Enigma Solution & Treasure Location in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

You can read the Enigma by heading into your inventory, going into your bag, and finding it under the Enigma section. The Find What I Stole Enigma says:

The guards are closing in, and I must write this quickly. I have obtained what was seeking just as I said I would but I have run out of time! Avenge me and find what I risked my life for! Search the soap boilers… and from the heights, look for the colorful fabrics! Remember me for my courage and not my fate and I bid you good luck!

This clue means that the treasure is located in the Soap Boiler’s District, which is just outside of Round City to the northwest. Head there to start the second part of the Enigma puzzle.

Find What I Stole Enigma Solution & Treasure Location

The Find What I Stole treasure location is in a gazebo located beneath a blue canopy in the Soap Boiler’s District, northwest of Round City.

The easiest way to access it is to travel to the bridge southeast of the Great Mosque and head east into the busy street. You’ll find the gazebo in the middle of the street.

The location of the Find What I Stole treasure in Assassin's Creed Mirage
Find What I Stole Enigma Solution & Treasure Location in Assassin’s Creed Mirage

Simply head inside the gazebo and pick up the treasure to complete the Find What I Stole Enigma. The treasure is the Black Zanj Uprising dye which you can see below. Of course, make sure to check out our Game Hub to find even more Assassin’s Creed Mirage guides.

The Black Zanj Uprising Dye in Assassin's Creed Mirage
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