Exoprimal - Screen

Will The New Zealand Trick Work For Exoprimal?

Exoprimal is close, and with the hype growing, players are curious to play it early and are wondering if the New Zealand trick will work.

Capcom’s latest project, Exoprimal, is releasing on July 14, and players face off against other players online, while also fighting hordes of dinosaurs. Using this trick could help players gain an advantage over others by learning the game’s mechanics early.

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In-Game Combat, Image Credit – Steam

What is The New Zealand Trick?

The status quo for games that release digitally is usually at midnight in regions. What makes the New Zealand trick appealing is that New Zealand is one of the first places in the world to reach midnight. An example to understand is when it is midnight in New Zealand, it is only 8:00 am Eastern Standard Time, giving players in NZ a 16-hour headstart in the game.

So if a player decides to change their system clock to match that of the time in New Zealand, there is a good chance that they will be able to access a game a whole day earlier than those in the time zone they live in.

Exoprimal Combat
Match Combat, Image Credit – Steam

Does The New Zealand Trick Work for Exoprimal?

The good news is that the trick is going to work for certain platforms. As the game is online-only, it will release at midnight. Therefore, the New Zealand trick does work on Xbox Series X/S and PC. However, it is guaranteed to not work for the PlayStation players.

A New Zealand account is needed in order to purchase the NZ version of the game and play it early. Since the accounts are region-locked, most players in North America trying to play early will be unable to on PlayStation, unless they purchase the game on a newly-created account that is based in New Zealand.

This means you will always have the play the game via your NZ account and will not be able to gain trophies on your main account. So, as long as you know the drawbacks, it’s entirely up to you, but we recommend against it.

Exoprimal is launching on July 14, 2023, for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, and PC via Steam and Microsoft Store. The game is available now to pre-order with both a Standard and Deluxe Edition, the latter featuring the first season battle pass.

If you want to check out more news and guides on Exoprimal, you can visit our guides hub here


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