Wooden Planks LEGO Fortnite

LEGO Fortnite: How to Get Wooden Planks

LEGO Fortnite boasts hundreds of items to collect, making it challenging to recall each item’s crafting or refining process, especially those frequently needed, like Planks.

In LEGO Fortnite, Wood plays a crucial role as one of the initial items you obtain in the game — alongside Granite. Luckily, Wood is easy to collect and serves as a versatile resource to craft Planks, an indispensable building material.

How to get Wooden Planks in LEGO Fortnite

Planks can be made in LEGO Fortnite by processing Wood in the Lumber Mill. It requires 1 Wood to receive 1 Plank, so it’s quite cost-efficient. Wood can be found by harvesting common trees. You will need a Forest Axe for actual trees, but you can pick up smaller branches that supply wood without the need for an axe.

LEGO Fortnite Lumber Mill with Wood turning into Planks
Using the Lumber Mill to transform Wood into Planks

How to Craft the Lumber Mill in LEGO Fortnite

The Lumber Mill is one of the first Crafting Machinery items you will find in LEGO Fortnite. The Lumber Mill can be made via the Crafting menu using the following materials:

  • 8x Wood
  • 15x Granite

Both materials can be found in the Grasslands biome.

Once you’ve crafted the Lumber Mill, you can bring your Wood to the processor, select the recipe, and add your materials to the machine. It will slowly start to transform your Wood into Wooden Planks.

Unfortunately, this process isn’t immediate, and you will have to find something else to do while you wait. To make matters worse, if it rains, this process is halted, and you must wait until the skies clear. Now that you know how to create Planks, you can check out our other guides on LEGO Fortnite here.


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