Call of Duty: Warzone Loadout Renetti
Call of Duty: Warzone Loadout Renetti

Best Renetti Loadout for Call of Duty: Warzone Season 1

Despite Call of Duty: Warzone allowing you to have two primary weapons, the Renetti is an excellent top-tier secondary weapon. When equipped with the right attachments, this already powerful 3-round burst weapon evolves into a fully automatic SMG, capable of shredding through opponents with its rapid-fire rate and exceptional control.

The Renetti’s ability to transform into a full-auto SMG using the Conversion Kit in the Gunsmith is what elevates it above the other secondary weapons in Call of Duty: Warzone. This allows for some wild build combinations like double SMGs, perfect for aggressive players looking for that ever-popular, run-and-gun playstyle. In this guide, we’ll show you how to maximize the Renetti’s potential, turning it into a secondary that can rival primary weapons in power and efficiency.

Best Call of Duty: Warzone Renetti Loadout

The Best Renetti Loadout in Call of Duty: Warzone is:

  • Muzzle: Monolithic Suppressor
  • Stock: Ravage-92 Heavy Stock
  • Rear Grip: EXF Eclipsor Grip
  • Conversion Kit: JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit
  • Magazine: 50 Round Drum
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What Does Each Attachment Do For The Renetti in Call of Duty: Warzone?

The Monolithic Suppressor Muzzle attachment is the key to maintaining stealth in close-range situations in Call of Duty: Warzone. This allows you to keep your shots silent and ensures you stay off the enemy radar. This attachment also comes with the added benefits of enhanced recoil control and bullet velocity, which are always welcomed buffs to any weapon.

The inclusion of the Ravage-92 Heavy Stock further improves the Renetti’s recoil control, essentially converting it into a laser. This addition of this attachment is crucial for maintaining accuracy during sustained rapid fire, especially when you see how we modify this weapon to act much more like an SMG below.

Now that we have the stability and recoil sorted, we can dial up the mobility and handling of the Renetti by attaching the EXF Eclipsor Grip. This drastically boosts sprint-to-fire speed and weapon swap speed, perfect for an aggressive playstyle in Call of Duty: Warzone, allowing for the quick weapon draws and faster reaction times required in close-range combat.

Conversion Kit

The JAK Ferocity Carbine Kit is the crowning jewel of our Renetti loadout. This Conversion Kit transforms it from a simple 3-round burst pistol into a full-auto SMG, dramatically improving bullet velocity, range, and accuracy. Conversion kits added in Call of Duty: MW3 have been a game-changer, offering a complete weapon overhaul that enhances the effectiveness of a weapon in combat.

With the Renetti’s newly buffed high fire rate, the 50-Round Drum is an absolute must-have attachment for the Renetti in Warzone. This significantly increases your base ammo capacity, letting you engage multiple enemies without the need for frequent reloads.

This Renetti loadout is designed for players who love the intensity of close-quarter battles and seek a secondary weapon that will compete with most other weapons in the game. With these attachments, the Renetti becomes a formidable SMG, perfect for an aggressive playstyle or a reliable secondary weapon that you can switch to with lightning speed, allowing players to react to an unexpected push in Call of Duty: Warzone.

Make sure you check out our Game Hub for all our guides and articles on Call of Duty: Warzone. Also, if you want to find the best weapons in Warzone, you can check out our Meta Tier List.