M13C Call of Duty: Warzone Best Loadout

Best M13C Loadout for Call of Duty: Warzone Season 1

The M13C Assault Rifle is a hard-hitting, versatile weapon that is poised to be a serious threat in Call of Duty: Warzone.

Our loadout guide will transform the M13C into a formidable force by enhancing its recoil control, stability, bullet velocity, and damage range. We offer you a loadout that allows the M13C to operate both as a primary weapon and effective sniper support, covering all combat ranges.

Best Warzone Season 1 M13C Loadout

The best Call of Duty: Warzone loadout for the M13C is:

  • Muzzle: Sakin Tread-40
  • Barrel: 14″ Bruen Echelon
  • Underbarrel: FTAC Ripper 56
  • Optic: Aim OP-V4
  • Magazine: 60 Round Mag
Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare 2 - M13C
Call of Duty: Warzone and Modern Warfare 2 – M13C

What Does Each Attachment Do For The M13C in Warzone?

The Sakin Tread-40 Muzzle is designed for precision, dampening both vertical and horizontal recoil, making the M13C more accurate at all ranges. Combined with the 14″ Bruen Echelon Barrel, the M13C will have increased damage range and bullet velocity, essential for competing at mid-long range. An added bonus is the improvement to hip-fire accuracy, letting you take down enemies at short range when caught off guard or playing aggressively.

The FTAC Ripper 56 is a go-to attachment for Assault Rifles, giving a significant bump to stability, hip-fire accuracy, and recoil stabilization. The Aim OP-V4 optic is a meta sight that reduces visual recoil and aids accuracy over extended distances.

Lastly, we’ve gone for the 60-Round Mag. We believe it’s essential in Warzone to ensure you have the firepower to eliminate enemy teams without the need to reload. However, if you prefer a bit more mobility with your Assault Rifles, then we suggest going for the 45-Round Mag.

The M13C is a versatile powerhouse in Warzone Season 1. Its rapid-fire rate, coupled with our loadout, ensures adaptability in various combat scenarios. Whether you’re traversing tight corridors or seeking to pick off enemies at range, the MC13C is sure to be a reliable companion in Call of Duty: Warzone.

Make sure you check out our Game Hub for all our guides and articles on Call of Duty: Warzone. Also, if you want to find the best weapons in Warzone, you can check out our Meta Tier List.