Call of Duty Warzone MW2 .50 GS

Best .50 GS Loadout for Call of Duty: Warzone

Call of Duty: Warzone has seen the .50 GS, commonly known as the Desert Eagle, rise as a great secondary weapon choice. Renowned for its devastating damage in short to medium-range gunfights, this pistol delivers intense firepower at the cost of a challenging recoil.

The essence of this guide lies in maximizing the .50 GS’s damage output by controlling the substantial kickback. With the correct set of attachments, you can enhance its recoil and accuracy and turn it into a veritable ‘mini-cannon’ that complements your primary weapon splendidly in Warzone.

Best Warzone .50 GS Loadout

The best Call of Duty: Warzone .50 GS loadout is:

  • Muzzle: EXF Fifty GS
  • Barrel: SA Tyrant Fifty
  • Trigger Action: SA Competition Trigger
  • Rear Grip: EXF Resistance Grip
  • Magazine: 10 Round Mag
In-game Screenshot

What Does Each Attachment Do For The .50 GS in Warzone?

The EXF Fifty GS muzzle is a go-to attachment for the .50 GS, improving stability and recoil control. The added benefits of sound suppression, increased bullet velocity, and damage range make this an indispensable part of the loadout that covers all bases.

The SA Tyrant Fifty barrel greatly enhances your recoil control, as well as extending both your bullet velocity and damage range. Hip-fire accuracy also receives a boost, giving you a significant edge in close combat scenarios.

Opting for the SA Competition Trigger for the .50 GS allows you to fire at a much faster rate in Warzone without any substantial drawbacks. You will also note an increase in your aiming idle stability. The higher fire rate will increase the pistol’s already impressive TTK (Time To Kill).

The EXF Resistance Grip goes all in on recoil control, an essential attachment to help you master the .50 GS’s heavy kickback. Finally, a 10-Round Mag offers ample ammunition without overly hampering your mobility. Although a 13-round magazine is available, we find it tends to slow you down a tad too much.

Our guide highlights the .50 GS’s strengths as a hard-hitting, close-range secondary weapon. By focusing on recoil control, bullet velocity, and fire rate, we’re setting you up for lightning-fast enemy downs. These attachments turn the .50 GS into an almost indispensable part of your Warzone loadout.

We recommend using the .50 GS in Warzone with an assault rifle or Sniper; you can check out our meta-tier list here.