MCPR-300 Warzone Best Loadout

Best MCPR-300 Loadout for Warzone Season 1

The MCPR-300 holds a firm position as one of the most potent sniper rifles in Warzone Season 1. Notably, this weapon can down opponents in a single shot when equipped with explosive rounds.

While sniper rifles may not be the most popular choice this season, the MCPR-300 continues to dominate long-range encounters and cater to a range of play styles. Players seeking a formidable sniper rifle to control the battlefield will find our ultimate MCPR-300 loadout essential for unlocking the weapon’s full potential.

Best Warzone Season 1 MCPR-300 Loadout

The best MCPR-300 loadout for Warzone Season 1 includes:

  • Muzzle: Nilsound 90
  • Barrel: 22″ OMX-456
  • Laser: FSS OLE-V Laser
  • Ammunition: .300 Mag Explosive
  • Magazine: 5 Round Mag
MCPR 300 Sniper Rifle Warzone Loadout Gunsmith

What Does Each Attachment Do For The MCPR-300 in Warzone?

The MCPR-300’s unique one-shot kill potential is realized through the .300 Mag Explosive ammunition attachment, allowing players to down fully armored enemies with a headshot. However, the explosive rounds notably slow down the MCPR’s bullet velocity.

To balance this, the Nilsound 90 muzzle and 22″ OMX-456 barrel come into play. These attachments not only curb the sniper’s recoil but also enhance bullet velocity and damage range. As an added bonus, rounds fired are quieter, keeping you off the enemy radar.

The slow speed of the MCPR-300 due to the above attachments can be fixed using the FSS Ole-V Laser. This increases ADS and sprint-to-fire speed, allowing for quick reactions. Lastly, the 5- Round Mag is a must-have, enhancing the MCPR-300’s movement, ADS, and reload speed. It permits quick follow-ups on missed shots and, in skilled hands, can wipe out an entire team with a bullet to spare!

Harness the MCPR-300’s full power in Warzone Season 1 with this meticulously crafted loadout. This gun partners perfectly with a submachine gun for short-range combat; here is our ISO 45 Loadout Guide.

Make sure you check out our meta-tier list for all the best weapons in Warzone.