KV Broadside Call of Duty: Warzone Best Loadout

Best KV Broadside Loadout for Call of Duty: Warzone

The KV Broadside is one of the most potent shotguns for close quarters in Warzone, especially on maps like Vondel or Ashika.

Our loadout aims to improve movement speed, damage range, hip-fire capabilities, and fire rate to transform players into running and gunning nightmares for the rest of the lobby.

Best Warzone KV Broadside Loadout

The best Call of Duty: Warzone loadout for the KV Broadside is:

  • Barrel: Gunner D20
  • Laser: Point-G3P 04
  • Stock: VLK Stockless
  • Magazine: 12 Shell Mag
  • Bolt: Dashbolt 60
KV Broadside Gunsmith Loadout Call of Duty: Warzone
In-game Screenshot

What Does Each Attachment Do For The KV Broadside in Warzone?

The Gunner D20 barrel enhances your damage range by an impressive 40%, allowing fewer shots to kill at extended distances. The Point-G3P 04 laser significantly boosts your sprint-to-fire speed and hip-fire accuracy, making it an excellent choice.

The VLK Stockless attachment promotes faster movement and better hip-fire recoil control, giving you an edge in close combat scenarios. Extending the magazine size with the 12 Shell Mag is a nice bonus whilst also improving movement speed and weapon handling. However, if you need even more ammunition, you can switch to the 25 Shell Drum to avoid inconvenient mid-fight reloads.

The Dashbolt 60 bolt is crucial for a faster fire rate, allowing players to spam follow-up shots and improving your TTK (Time To Kill). The KV Broadside, amplified by these attachments, proves its worth as a dominant shotgun in Call of Duty: Warzone. This loadout optimizes its speed, fire rate, and hip-fire accuracy, making it an excellent option for close-quarter engagements.

Make sure you check out our Game Hub for all our guides and articles on Call of Duty: Warzone. Also, if you want to find the best weapons in Warzone, you can check out our Meta Tier List. The KV Broadside is best coupled with an assault rifle for mid to long-range coverage. Check out our choice here.