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What Are Suppressed Clean Kills in Call of Duty: MW3?

To obtain the prized Priceless camos in Call of Duty: MW3, players will need Suppressed Clean Kills, but what are they?

Camos in Call of Duty: MW3 require specific challenges that aren’t always clear on what needs to be done for completion. This can be said for Priceless camos, which demand Suppressed Clean Kills. Below is how to get them and what weapons they are required for.

What Are Suppressed Clean Kills in Call of Duty: MW3?

Suppressed Clean Kills are when players defeat an enemy without receiving damage to themselves, and the gun is fitted with a suppressor. Therefore, it is usually best to play a hardcore playlist, as everything is essentially a one-hit kill or to shoot enemies from behind, ensuring you do not take any damage.

While the task may sound complicated, it is much simpler by following one of the methods above. Just ensure that your gun is fitted with a suppressor, attachments that increase the Aim Down Sight Speed, and a proper sight like a Red Dot. The guns that require the challenge are among the better weapon choices in Call of Duty: MW3 and can be found further down.

Call of Duty: MW3 Ghost Price
Image Credit – Call of Duty

What Do You Need Clean Suppressed Kills for in Call of Duty: MW3?

Clean Suppressed Kills are needed to complete Priceless Camo Challenges in Call of Duty: MW3. However, not all weapons require the task, and we have created a list of which weapons have the challenge:

  • MCW 6.8 (Marksman Rifle)
    • Get 15 suppressed clean kills to unlock Priceless.
  • BAS-B (Battle Rifle)
    • Get 25 suppressed clean kills to unlock Priceless.

Only a couple of guns are required for players to complete the challenges, and both weapons work well in either Hardcore or Core playlists. Completing the BAS-B first is recommended as more kills are needed, and it is the first weapon to unlock out of the two.

That is everything that concerns how to nail down those Suppressed Clean Kills in Call of Duty: MW3—Do you want to progress further in your camo challenges, or are you curious about more with the game? Head over to our Game Hub to get more details.