
Vote for a New Minecraft Mob at the Upcoming Minecraft Live

Like all events this year, Minecon will be completely online and live-streamed under its new alias, Minecraft Live.

Minecraft Live will take place on October 3rd and promises plenty of updates as well as Minecraft’s next big game update, a new mob. Players will be able to vote on the next Mob that is added into Minecraft.

The voting will happen during the live stream on Minecraft’s official Twitter. So make sure you tune in during the live stream for your vote to be counted.

The Minecraft Live Mob Nominees


The Iceologger, from Minecraft Dungeons, thrives in cold, snowy areas. If you vote for this hostile mob, they will move into the new mountaintops that tower over the Overworld.


The Moobloom is a flower-covered variant of the cow. Originating in Minecraft Earth, it is the opposite of hostile and will somehow interact with bees but Mojang are keeping that information hidden.


The Glow Squid is also from Minecraft Earth and is similar to the squid you can already find in Minecraft. The glow squid will light up dark bodies of water and won’t attack players or entities.

If you want to read more about the mob vote candidates, you can check them out here.

Event Details

The Minecraft Live event will take place on October 3, and you can find the times in some major cities in the image below.


You can watch the event live on the Minecraft website as well as on the official Minecraft accounts on Facebook, YouTube and Twitch.

If you miss the event, you can check out all the information on the Game Crater after the event has concluded.