VAZNEV-9K Call of Duty Warzone Best Loadout

Best Vaznev-9K Loadout for Call of Duty: Warzone

The Vaznev-9K continues to prove itself to be an unexpectedly versatile weapon in Call of Duty: Warzone. This submachine gun stands out with its high rate of fire, making it effective at taking down enemies swiftly in close-range engagements.

Designed to turn the Vaznev-9K into a hybrid between an SMG and an Assault Rifle, this guide offers the best loadout for those who enjoy fast-paced, close-range engagements but also want to remain competitive in the mid-range.

Utilizing these attachments will buff bullet velocity, damage range, movement, and ADS speed, all whilst controlling the recoil pattern. With our loadout, you’ll find the Vaznev-9K to be a formidable tool in your Warzone arsenal.

Best Warzone Vaznev-9K Loadout

The best Vaznev-9K loadout for Call of Duty: Warzone is:

  • Barrel: SA Response III
  • Rear Grip: True-TAC Grip
  • Stock: Otrezat Stock
  • Muzzle: XTEN BR-40
  • Magazine: 45 Round Mag

What Does Each Attachment Do For The Vaznev-9K in Warzone?

To kick off, the SA Response III barrel serves as a significant enhancement to the Vaznev-9K’s damage range and bullet velocity. Additionally, it significantly improves recoil control. The True-TAC Grip and Otrezat Stock are crucial attachments to improve the weapon’s mobility. They boost your sprint, ADS, aim walking, and sprint-to-fire speed. Enhancing maneuverability during close-quarter combat.

The XTEN BR-40 muzzle is a valuable attachment for multiple reasons. It smooths recoil whilst also extending damage range and bullet velocity. The added benefit of this muzzle attachment is its sound suppression, keeping you off the enemy radar. Lastly, the 45 Round Mag increases your ammunition capacity. The larger magazine ensures you can engage multiple enemies or deliver sustained fire without pausing to reload.

This guide offers the best loadout for the Vaznev-9K, transforming it into a hybrid powerhouse effective in a variety of combat scenarios. With this loadout, you’ll be well-prepared to dominate the fast-paced world of Call of Duty: Warzone.

Make sure you check out our Game Hub for all our guides and articles on Call of Duty: Warzone. Also, to find the best weapons in Warzone, check out our Meta Tier List.