LEGO Fortnite Rainbow

LEGO Fortnite: What is at the End of a Rainbow?

As players explore LEGO Fortnite, they might notice a giant rainbow aiming at the ground, but what exactly is at the end?

From colorful butterflies guiding you to chests or llamas to supply drops falling out of the sky for players to loot, there are a few different random events you can find in LEGO Fortnite. Fortunately, there is one that seems to happen a little more often than others: the large rainbow shining from the sky into the ground.

What is at the End of the Rainbow in LEGO Fortnite?

If you reach the end of the rainbow in LEGO Fortnite, you will see a recreation of the “Everything Is Awesome” pride-themed LEGO set with all the characters dancing on a cloud.

However, it’s quite literally sunshine and rainbows, so it will disappear if you don’t make it to the end of the rainbow by sundown. Once you reach the rainbow, you’ll likely need to use stairs or a Grappler to jump onto the cloud. You can get lucky sometimes, but make sure you grab some wood as you’re running towards the rainbow; you don’t want to miss out on those rewards.

LEGO Fortnite Rainbow in the distance
LEGO Fortnite Rainbow in the distance

What Rewards do you get for Finding the End of the Rainbow?

For reaching the end of the rainbow before sundown, players will be rewarded with rare gear and items.

Similar to the other random event rewards, you can earn yourself Common, Rare, or Epic items. All you have to do is dance with the LEGO characters in order to earn the rewards. Any emote works, and the characters will react, drop the rewards, and disappear.

That’s everything you need to know about rainbows in LEGO Fortnite. For more guides just like this one, be sure to check out our Games Hub.

End of the Rainbow LEGO Fortnite Dancing for Rewards
End of the Rainbow LEGO Fortnite Dancing for Rewards